
The experience of heart and lung transplantation in Australia:
A resource for people facing transplant

The videos on this website tell the stories of seven people who have received donated hearts or lungs (or both).

They understand the challenges of what it's like when you or someone you love learns that the only option is a new heart or lungs. They also wanted to share their perspectives with medical and other staff working with transplant recipients.

You can choose to watch a person’s whole video, or you can see short clips about specific topics.

All the people seen on this site have given permission for their videos to be posted and their names to be used. There have been minor edits for details that people preferred to keep private. Limitations of the filming process has resulted in brief gaps in the recordings. Where words are missing, we have inserted captions taken from the separate audio recording.

This project was made possible by a grant from the Grenet Foundation courtesy of Ann Hyams and in-kind support from Ian Stubber.

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If you are able to offer financial support to develop this project, please contact Claire and Maggie