This guide recognises that the organ transplant journey is a challenging time for everyone involved. HLTTV wants everyone on the transplant journey to receive all the support they need and are eligible for. We'll update this guide as regularly as possible, and remember that your first port of call is your transplant clinic's social worker.
HLTTV Financial and Social Support Booklet v1 (PDF 13 pages)
This information book will help your understanding of lung transplant and ability to work with The Alfred Hospital's Lung Transplant Service towards a good outcome.
Alfred Information on Lung Transplant 2012 (PDF 14 pages)
You have been given this booklet as you are going to be assessed for potential heart transplant. This booklet contains a lot of information and we would suggest that you take time to read it carefully and discuss with your family.
Alfred Heart Transplant Patient Information 2013
Influenza, commonly known as the 'flu', is caused by a highly contagious virus that is spread by contact with fluids from coughs and sneezes. Every year, the flu causes widespread illness in the community. Annual immunisation is strongly recommended for older people and other people who are at risk of serious complications from the flu (such as pneumonia).
Find out more about Flu (influenza) – Immunisation.