Project funding

The HLTTV offers ad hoc funding for projects that can help support the heart and/or lung transplant community throughout Australia.

If you have an idea for a project to support our community, use the form below to pitch your idea to the HLTTV committee. All applications will be considered.

Upon completion of the form send it to both and

Funding requests will be considered at the next scheduled HLTTV committee meeting. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of February, May, August and November, and you will hear back about your request within two weeks of the meeting date. Please factor these timelines into the timing of your project application.

If you have asked for an amount of funding over $1,000 you may be required to attend the meeting either in person or via video-conference (eg Zoom) to address questions from the committee.

If you have any questions about this process, please contact either or

HLTTV Project Proposal Funding Application